Sunday, May 3, 2020


                          Yerrrrrrrrr, Yeah I know, I haven't posted in a while but i'm back. I have transitioned and moved and I am settled in now. Ahhhh..Life is grand Lately I have been working hard at accepting something new. It hasn't been easy honestly and a lot of people have dealt with this. It is and it isn't that serious depending on the type of person that you are. So as usually I will give ya'll the real. My lady is absolutely beautiful, fine, gorgeous, attractive, desirable, exotic, sexy, and all of those other adjectives. This isn't a problem at all I promise. It isn't a bad thing either. It is just a thing and it isn't a thing. It is whatever I decide to make it really.  Rob, get on with it! Ok damn. As a man who is an introvert and pretty low key, it is taking me time to adjust to this attention. Yes I know the attention isn't mine directly per say, but I support her and view her content so I see things. No I am not looking for anything, but who doesn't scroll through comments every now and again. Now before you talk your shizzle, I am not the type to tell you what to wear, you can't go here, who is that guy, where you at, who texting you, who calling you, why you ain't call me back, over protective guy.  So no I am not making a big deal out of anything. I'm just saying I notice das it. Yes I said das.
                            Now this is why it is a thing and it isn't a thing. It is a thing because as a man I am very big on respect. There is nothing worse than disrespect. So I keep an eye out for the " Overly Friendly " shiznit. It is the dude in me and I have been through some things so don't judge me. Yes, I heard you over there,  " Wow so you don't trust her?" on the contrary, I trust her with damn near everything. As a man I am protective and men deal with things differently than woman do at times. Yes my lady can curve people and let them know she isn't interested, but it is different when a man lets someone know to step off. It sends a different type of message. Back to the point, I see things and I notice things and I gotta eat that sometimes just like we all do. Now real shit, some stuff use to bother the FUCK out of me. Like really bother the fuck out of me. I didn't bring them up or make them an issue because I recognized and understood it was a me thing not an us or her thing. However, overtime I have learned to relax and take things in, think, process and keep myself grounded. Now if I was the guy I mentioned earlier in this paragraph, then our shit would have been over before it ever started. So yeah this is why it could be a thing. Dudes are dudes, and people are people and we feel things and we react. That reaction will cause other things to take place. That is why I always like to think before I act. I know that my action is only the beginning and what happens next is on me as well regardless of what led me to take action. It is always a two way street, or three, or four.
                        So, why isn't it a thing? Honestly it isn't a thing because of the most simple reason. The reason most women give and the reason most people think of. " She is with you. She comes home to you. She is making love to you. She is going out with you. She is spending time with you." That is the honest truth when you think about it. When you really sit back a marinate on that, you will come to find that those things are the most important. Yes as people we tend to want more or we look and over obsess. Breathe, calm yourself, and relax. Learn to let the little things go because a lot of the time it is nothing. You must also learn to recognize when something is serious and needs to be addressed. Think about what the most important things are and focus on that. If some of those fall into a category that you feel isn't being fulfilled, have the conversation.
                         Alrighty so, final thoughts.At the end of the day you have to learn to vent and find a release. Don't drive yourself crazy. Don't obsess over things. Have the conversation and let the conversation be the end of that. If you have to keep rehashing it, that is a different story.  You also have to learn to let things go and accept things for what they are. Sometimes once you have processed things, had the conversation, and seen the results, it will tell you all that you need to know.

Love, Peace, and Blessings.


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