Saturday, August 19, 2017

Life Changes and So Do We.

I am a planner. A thinker. A " want to know as many details as possible" type of person. It used to truly bother me when a lack of information with the addition of having to make an important decision falls on my shoulders. Life has taught me that you can't and won't know everything. It is impossible. Therefore, I had to learn to adapt and adjust. I had to learn to accept things as they are sometimes. I recently learned that a client I am working with has a terminal illness. Oddly enough my grandmother is currently very ill herself. I comforted them both with hugs and I will continue to pray for them, but I just feel so helpless. I almost feel ashamed that things are going so well for me personally, yet someone I am close too is facing one of the scariest things a person could imagine. I really just don't know how to feel. I know that things like this happen and that's life, but it really makes me question the decisions I make each day. Sometimes I think we take the ones closest to us for granted. A kind word, a lunch date, a hug, a kiss, or even a text can make someone's day. I just want to make sure that the ones I care about know that I love them and I appreciate them. Tomorrow isn't promised which is why I try my best to make each day count. Everyday is a gift....

Love and Peace...

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

I'm Not Used To This, But I Like It!

So it is 1:36 A.M. on August 10th, 2017. Like right this very moment. For the past I would say.... 4 weeks, sleep has been pretty upset with me. It has been arguing, fussing, fighting, and straight up ignoring me. I find myself waking up at random times and not being able to find my rest. Am I stressed? Yeah, but I have been way more stressed than this. I mean let's see, work is going extremely well, love life is looking promising, my L.L.C. is continuing to grow, and I am finally about to buy my first house. Hmmm not bad right? Ha welp guess what? It isn't stress. It is excitement and anxiousness. For the first time in my life, I believe I have a real understanding of things. I mean a true understanding of what is going on, why it is going on, and how I can continue to move things in the right direction. I feel like I have literally found the secret to living life. I guess this new revelation has opened up my mind so wide that it can't handle all of these new thoughts and concepts. I have always believed that anything is possible in life, but now I feel it for myself. I feel like it is my turn to experience the impossible. I mean I am in a position to basically dictate my salary and work schedule. I have also realized the type of woman that I truly desire and need in my life. Actually I may have found her and date number 2 is coming very soon. She is intelligent, hard working, and isn't afraid of stepping out on faith to get what she truly desires out of life. There is so much more that I could say, but that is none of your business for the time lol. She really makes me feel very different than anyone else has before and I must confess I am in shock. She reminds me of myself. Weird right? I guess I am getting a glimpse of what I must be like. Anyway. Thoughts of what I want, what's next, and how I can help others truly keep me up at night. I guess it is time for me to map things out on the good old white board again so I can clear my mental and get some sleep. A brother be dead at work by 2pm and that is bad for business..... So yeah that is it for now. I think I will head downstairs and eat my leftover wings and watch youtube videos now...
