Sunday, March 3, 2019

10 or so

Life has a funny way of making you take the long way to your destination. If you haven't read my other posts, then you will miss some things in this one, but it's kool. I find myself in a place I have never been before. Comfortable, afraid, happy, and without a doubt in love. I know what kinda mix is that right?

10 or so is referring to the years we have know each other. We met being adventurous and really took a risk on each other, but from the beginning we knew something was there. You know that feeling of " I don't ever want to see you anyone else" or "We could never be just friends" ? Yeah that has always been us. Like either we talked everyday and grew closer, or we completely left each other alone. Oh my bad, for the " Well what was the problem?" people, distance and immaturity make is very hard to be with someone even if you love them. A lot of distance, like a whole lot. So the thoughts, feelings, and intentions were there, but the circumstances and timing was trash.

Fast forward through years of conversations, Skype calls, an Atlanta rendezvous, and a Jamaican escape from it all where I finally said " I love you." and here we are. One thing that always seems to present an issue for most people when it comes to their feelings is time. Welp check! 10 years and counting. We are both very sure at this point. Ok now the immaturity. Welp we have both had other relationships, sitiationships, dates, and life experiences that we have both learned from which has greatly increased our appreciation for each other so... CHECK! Huh? Wha? Oh the distance... yeah so with that life experience I mentioned, we both ended up wanting to relocate..... Now the best part is, we are relocating for our own personal goals and reasons, it just so happens that where we both want to be isn't far apart at all. Matter of fact, she is already there so I am playing a bit of catch up.

No jumping through hoops, no trying to " PROVE" anything, no damn games, no fronting. The funny thing is, from the beginning there never was. We just took each other for who we were and who we currently are. We are ourselves with each other, farting, burping and nakedness. All we have to do is continue to love each other and treat each other with the respect we have for each other.. I mean I need to move too, but you get it. She is my #1. She is artsy, intelligent, talented, compassionate, sexy, understanding, and supportive. She is everything I want and need to feel completed. I truly feel like we were made for each other. I have never been this free with anyone. Being able to have a real conversation where your thoughts and feelings are valued and received vs being dismissed and judged is everything. That shit feels great! Think of every wonderful, comforting, exciting, and joyful feeling you have every had and have yet to experience and that is what we have between us. I can't describe it. Like imagine if you were to wish for 10 million dollars and that shit just appeared and you were ready to receive it? Like you had a plan set up in place to triple or quadruple it immediately. No uncertainty, no lack in confidence, just preparedness.

Yeah that is where our emotions are. Notice how I am using the word "we". Our level of communication is on 10000000000000000000000000. Nothing is really off limits and we always let each other know how we feel. We are without a doubt best friends. Every time we separated from each other and came back over the years, it was like we never left. Wanna know the scary part? We naturally have a ton of things in common. Like down to the lazy do nothing weekends stay in the bed and eat junk food kinda things lol. We literally talk everyday and the conversation is always new and refreshing. We feed each others craving for wanting more out of life, and we push each other to pursue our passions. We are partners in crime and love lol. I don't even like talking to people all that much unless there is a purpose behind the conversation. Her voice, thoughts, feelings, and opinions are my daily dose of comfort and peace. My day would be truly be incomplete without a single word from her.

This is where I am today. I am working on transitioning to the next part of my journey in life. I can't wait to see what is next. I can't wait to experience new things with my lovely lady. I am also looking forward to new opportunities and my big move whenever that happens. I still have some mental land mines and junk to sort through, but overall I am truly at peace. Life can and will happen. That's about it. If you are reading this, thank you for taking the time explore my inner most thoughts. I hope something I wrote helps you along in your journey.

Love, Peace, and Happiness

Robert Wilson Jr.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Make Sure You Are Heard.

Yerrrrrrrrr! Hello. So if you don't know I have a podcast " From My Experience Podcast" you can find it everywhere you listen to podcasts. I just wanted to put that out there because it goes with the title. I really believe that we all have a voice. We all have something to say. We all have things that at some point in time we will need to express. So....... make sure you are heard. Now, yes we have freedom of speech, but taking advantage of that can be costly. The point is, you have to let it out. You have to speak up. You need to find a way to express yourself in a meaningful way. There are endless ways you can interpret this, but I will just stick to communication in general. You have to be able to talk to each other. The tricky thing is, we all communicate differently and we all receive differently. It takes time to develop effective communication with someone. It also takes love and desire. I mean let's be honest, you can truly cancel anyone at anytime and choose not to deal with them at all and keep it moving. However, it will hinder you from learning how to communicate with a variety people. Why does that matter? It matters because you never know who you will need to make it to the next level. It doesn't mean you have to best friends, but there are a lot of benefits to even just a business relationship. I don't think anyone can truly teach you how to communicate, but one of the keys is to be able to look within yourself and understand that you are not perfect and you could always benefit from change. I am pretty open minded and that definitely helps. I also have a greater understanding of myself as a person. I know who and what I am willing to deal with and put up with. What does that mean? It means I can communicate with someone, listen to what they have to say, pay attention to their habits, motivations, and how it aligns with who I am. If it doesn't line up, then I know how to make the decision to either stay and work on things, or part ways. Parting ways isn't a bad thing. Everyone isn't meant to be in your life forever, at least that's what I believe. We are all in a world where we are trying to find our way by developing relationships, working, and pursuing our goals. It really is that simple on the surface. Communication is the key. Work on you communication and watch how things will change in your life. You will truly be shocked.  I will leave it at that.

So in closing, excuse any grammatical errors. I literally sit down and write these things when I am feeling how I am feeling. I may come back later and clean them up eventually. I hope that you have learned something from this and that you can use it to better your life.

Peace, Love, and Happiness
