Sunday, January 28, 2024

Is Sharing Really Caring?

Growing up, I was taught to share. Share your toys, your food, experiences, and time. Well, as I began to grow and mature, I saw the downsides to sharing. People manipulate, plot, and take advantage of your willingness to share for their own benefit. It is quite an interesting thing. You have someone who is essentially helping you, yet you find a reason to betray their trust and kindness for your own selfish needs. So now, things have shifted.

One of the most important things to anyone on this planet are their future plans or intentions. I am a firm believer in the power of words and the transference of energy. With that in mind, you have to accept the fact that everyone isn't on your side. Everyone that may be close to you may not be "for you". Over the years I developed a quote based around this. "People don't like to see you become successful without them." it is just the truth. What gets lost in that is the fact that we all have our own paths in life with a variety of intersections. Sometimes it isn't time for you to connect with certain people, or it may never just be a part of your journey in the first place. It gets deeper than that but I want to keep this surface level.

So with all that in mind, decisions must be made. One of those decisions is to be honest with yourself about your relationships with people and who you can truly trust with your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and plans. Some people will be there for you and help you. Others will try to discourage you and tell you what they would do. Then there are those who remain in the shadows either cheering you along, or hating on you. There are some other groups within this spectrum, but these are the common ones. I will say this, when you find someone that you trust and they are supportive, do whatever you can to preserve those relationships. There is nothing like being able to share the most amazing things in your life with someone.

I appreciate everyone that I have been able to share with without criticism, hate, and/or ill will. If you don't have people in your life you feel comfortable sharing with, I urge you to seek them out. One way to know if they meet that qualification is to pay attention to what they share with you and that actual actions they put behind their words. Anybody can spew ideas and pleasant thoughts, but if there is no action or progress made, it is just talk. Also, pay attention to how they respond when you share with them. Are they supportive, to the interject their opinion without you asking? Do they immediately throw out the idea of  "Partnering up" ?. Take all of that information in and think about what I said before. If they aren't motivated enough to take action when it comes to their own plans, how well do you think they will support what you are doing? Not saying it isn't possible, but what are the chances?

This has been on my mind for a while and I just wanted to get it out. I hope that you already have people in your life that you can share with. If not, I hope you find them soon.

Love and Peace

Robert Wilson Jr.

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