Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Heart. Does it have a mind of its own?

 My heart is a part of me, yet its a separate entity. It has a way of controlling me sometimes. It overrides my mind, and pushes my logic and reason to the side at times. I wonder why that is? It's crazy, scary, and exciting. The term "follow your heart" holds a lot of meaning to me. It has help guide me down the path that I am on today. I don't always follow my heart though. At times it's out of fear and uncertainty, and other times I am just denying my feelings. I hate fighting with my heart. Those are some draining arguments. 
          You have to be careful with your heart though. It is an extremely strong muscle, yet it can easily be harmed or even broke. I have a big heart that is divided into sections that I share with my loved ones. However, I do have a special section that is reserved for that "special lady" to be. Sometimes it gets anxious and wants me to jump into situations just for the sake of " feeling good" or  "filling an empty space". I know better. I know that I must protect my heart, yet still be willing to leave it open to possibilities. This is a delicate process that I learn more about every day. 

( Originally Posted on June 3rd , 2011)

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